Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Schoolin Life

Mini Story y'all ready?
So last week was pretty busy, I tried to balance school and work while supporting events with family and friends. So in school, all of my BIG assignments are due by midnight on Sunday. On Sunday I had a birthday dinner to attend at 7:30 PM and I worked on my project all day and ended up finishing around 7:40 PM. I barely had anything to eat because I was working so long, still had to get dressed and made it to the dinner around 8pm. When I got to the dinner I had a VERY excruciating headache and felt like I was about to pass out, so I left early and didn't even get a chance to eat. I went back home and ended up diving in the bed hoping that my headache would go away. I ended up waking up around 1am to use the bathroom and when I did my headache was gone! As I was about to get into bed I realized I NEVER SUBMITTED THE ASSIGNMENT! And of course, there's no late work in grad school. I immediately went to my laptop to contact my professor to let him know that I had made a big mistake. I didn't ask for an extension of sympathy but I did ask him if he would provide me feedback. Today I check my grades and the highest grade I've ever made in grad school on an assignment was a 98, well he graded my assignment, didn't deduct any points for it being late, thanked me for my professionalism in my email and guess what grade I made?? A 100!!!! I'm super proud because I thought that I misunderstood the assignment and had done it wrong but nope I was on it! I wrote all this to say ask for what you want, be respectful, and do your best and things will fall into place!

Monday, February 19, 2018

#S24E02 The 57 Seconds Episode

Often times we met people in our lives who help us to see the world a bit differently. That was the case with Janet Parker. I started off as a work relationship where she would ask if I needed help and would assist me with any questions I may have had. From journalism to the broadcast business to hair she was there and always willing to help! I first met Janet when I was a very shy intern and I barely said a word to her. Just a hey and bye and kept it pushing. Yet once I got hired full time to work for WACH FOX she was there with open arms ready to give me all the tools I needed to succeed.

Along with the advice about the business, Janet has helped me with my transition into adulthood. Giving me the real "tea" on real life issues and the things that women and black women have to face as a whole, Janet is that sister, girlfriend, mother, auntie that we all need.

I came up with the idea 57seconds with WACH as a social media tool to bridge a relationship between our talent and the community. Janet's departure came as a shock to many as she started as an intern, like me and worked her way up as the evening anchor in less than a decade.

The hair tips, girlfriend tips, self-love tips are only a text message away but her presence will truly be missed. If you are not from the Midlands but would like to learn a little bit about Janet, this video will do just that ENJOY!

Monday, October 16, 2017

#S24E01 The #MeToo Episode

Me too, because apparently if you are a freshman in college and you walk alone or eat alone you are the target for a Graduate student to stop you in the middle of the plaza to have a convo. A complete stranger. You have great convo and he seems to be nice.
 Me too because apparently a guy that you just met who seems to be a great guy offers to give you a ride to your dorm room is just being nice, and you say no thank you I can walk but he insists that you not walk alone and take the ride.
Me too because the ride to your dorm room quickly changed to a ride to his dorm room because he needed to grab his "books" for class.
Me too because its apparently okay when you're a freshman and you've never seen the upperclassman housing and a Grad student wants you to see his room while he grabs his books.
Me too because the Grad student who was studying "HIV and memory loss" took away the fantasy  of what my first time would be like.....away from me.
Me too because I said no, ouch, stop as I laid on my stomach.
Me too because the condom had blood on it when he was done and he was upset.
Me too because all I knew was his first name until I went to the health center to make sure I was okay and saw that he was the student who signed his name before mine.
Me too because I blamed myself for walking by myself. Me too because I blamed myself for going to see what the upperclassman dorm looked liked. Me too because I blamed myself because who would believe that this was the first time I met this person and I ended up in his bedroom. Me too because a year later I met another girl with a similar story about the same guy. Me too because I found out three years later he was arrested for hurting another girl. Me too because I blamed myself for not speaking up when it initially happened. Me too for saying "I clearly wanted it if I went in that room"
Me too because I initially lied to myself and everyone by saying that I had sex knowing that that is not what happened.
Me too because I began to deal with it by making a joke out of it because no one cared or believed me once I did speak up and told me "I don't see how a girl can get raped"
Me too because I spoke nonchalantly about my experience because no one seemed to care.
Me too because I felt like a joke, ugly, stupid, lonely.
Me too because when I told my best male friend what happened to me..... three years later my "best friend" attempted me do the same thing to me.
Me too because I no longer blame myself.
Me too because I've forgiven everyone.
Me too because I am strong.
Me too because I am now wiser.
Me too because dozens will read this and say wow that's crazy, never knew.
Me too because dozens will read this and not say a word.
Me too because one will read this and prepare themselves before it can happen.
Me too.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

S24E01: The Center Stage Episode

At one stage in life I cared only about my critics. The people who were there to judge me, make me feel uneasy, help but hurt, those people I thank I needed them. However at this stage in my life I've learned that those who only critique have been so wrapped up in negativity and pettiness that I clearly lost my focus. I stayed away from my stage, I didn't look in the mirror, I didn't practice my God given talent, simply because I didn't want to prove my critics right.
 My thank you speech sounded more like "shout out to my haters" until I realized I was hating myself more than anyone else. 
Instead of finding people or things to love, I finally began to love myself, I started to see myself as someone important someone who had a group of people wanting to see her (me) flourish. 
I had been so focused on my critics I failed to remember the importance of the people who bought a ticket to support my talents, my dreams, or to simply be entertained. My supporters including myself I neglected worrying about the few people whose opinions did not matter. My supporters have been able to provide constructive criticism all while cheering me on. 
I now stand on this new stage to give to you what God has put in me. As I am currently in my dress rehearsal of life know that the show is only beginning and it must go on. I've gone through so much as far back as 1993 rebuilding the foundation of this new stage and re-positioning my stage light from the judges simply to shinning on me. I have taken center stage, my stage presence is pure and I have so much in store for my supporters before I drop the mic let me and take a bow, close my eyes and thank God for guiding me here. 

And the winner is...................being Andrea Butler 

Friday, March 3, 2017

#S23E07 The Breaking Into Broadcasting Episode

In life we all have a story often times when we share a story it inspires others who may feel like no one understands that they can get through.

Your story validates who you are, it validates the strength, the struggle, the purpose, and perseverance.

I was able to return to my Alma mater and share my story of success to a few of the students who are currently completing their undergraduate degree.

Having been in the same seats they were sitting in just about nine months ago it was a rewarding feeling letting them know that they are the author of their story and if they want their story to end on a positive note they must do positive things.

I interviewed with one of the students there for her class assignment and spoke on the importance of investing in yourself and getting over your fears. Tho who are fearful in life sometimes just need to flick their confidence light on to guide them through life and get rid of all the boogeymen that seems to be hiding in the darkness.

Investing in yourself boosts your confidence and scares away all things that seem to be unconquerable. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

#S23E06 The Rough Cut No Edits Episode

I'm not sure what's worse. not knowing who your dad is and wondering who is, where he is, what he's doing, does he have kids, and if he cares. did he dodge a bullet when ya mama said dont worry about us because i got us. do you have siblings. do yall all favor. could you brother be that guy that just fixed your cable, or who delivered the paper, or whose your new neighbor cuz yall kinda do favor. (no question mark cuz its rhetorical) 

or it is worse thinking all that but knowing who your dad is, knowing that he knows where you live, knowing that you his only kid, and not knowing where he lives bc he always running from his problems like when he used to make them bets, or not knowing his number bc he changes it with the quickness to avoid all the governmental threats.
hearing all the stories about how he can dance and he can cook, but never taste a meal or never being able to understand how being protected feels. 

or seeing him add all your cousins and aunts as facebook friends but never understand why he can't type in the person whose his next of kin i mean how hard is it to type in the person with same last name as you, the one who you know is your twin, bt then again, i feel more like the adult and you're the kid

god wasn't playing when he made me
its like we siamese twins we share the same face, gap tooth, and nail beds
but its like we bump heads and cant stand each other
luckily he gave me the same glass as you but he and i filled it up with qualities of a real man and woman: loyalty, respect, trust, dignity, integrity, appreciation, and love

if god blesses me with a son ill teach him how to only run from haters, neigh sayers, and fakers, ill teach him to run towards success, the best, and teach him not that guy but to be be that guy
not the guy that gets by but the guy that gets through and salutes to the honor of his word and projects pass the obscure things seen all around him

i mean if i can make it without my father whats his excuse. if i can make it with an empty heart and broken promises then he can too. no one to teach me how a man is supposed to so i only have dreams of what im seeing on the tv screen i get confused bc women will praise any type of dude. the ones who buys her flowers, steals her car, puts rims on them, has good sex, protects his friends, says all the right things 

im not sure how to end these endless thoughts so i'll continue to type and as i figure out whats right. I hope you'll do the right thing what ever that thing is. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

#S23E05 The Pro Blogger Episode

Recently I have joined a team of go-getters who have a passion for music and entertainment. Check out my work as a blogger on at the HIP HOP BASEMENT website. Also follow us on all other social media outlets @hiphopbasement . Click on the picture below to read my very first blog post! 

The Marathon Continues

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

#S23E04 The C.H.A.N.G.E Episode

What I've noticed in my time here on earth is that we all have this love hate relationship with change. We love the idea of change and we push others to do is as well yet we are often stagnant and fail to proceed with our own personal growth process in accepting change.

When we are hurt we often become motivated to get change. We tell ourselves, family, and friends that we want things to be different and we aspire change yet we do nothing to actually allow it to really manifest in our lives.

Change first starts from within however,

We often repost things on social media, like quotes, and give advice to others about how to accept change in their lives and we hope that by convincing others of change that we will to accept it for ourselves. That is never the case. Change comes from within, once you open your mind, allow acceptance, forgiveness, perseverance, with a plan change will come. 

For some posting a status about change is growth for them. NEWS FLASH posting a status and telling others that you've changed does not mean you've changed ! You do not need to inform anyone that you've changed because it's something that is witnessed, seen, or experienced. 

Stop trying to convince yourself of something that you put no energy into actually doing. Love yourself FIRST ! No one cares about your lies they care about your truth and truth is you have a lot of evolving to do. Do us all a favor and stop fooling yourself and trying to drag us down your blind path of happiness. 

Your'e only posting because you feel like social media provides some kind of accountability for growth. Sorry to inform you it actually hinders growth. You are looking for something tangible to change something that is intangible, which is your thought process. If you want to be a better father, quit smoking, better friend, employee, student or whatever you're striving to do better in, don't promise someone else something or post something because you feel like they will hold you accountable. 

Hold yourself accountable for your action or lack thereof. Hold yourself accountable for the love you are so eager to find. Change is a PROCESS not an event! With that being said stop trying to meet your peers at a lie with your fake statuses and false hope. Love comes from within! Challenge yourself to move away from what makes you comfortable, people who don't challenge you, people who care about only how happy you are in a moment rather than a life time. Make a plan that will involve growth and love yourself . The rest of us will respect your evolution without you having to say a word  and love you even more!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Season 1 Rerun: The Ball Is In Your Court Episode

At a time when Chris Webber was the top draft pick for the Orlando Magic, when the Houston Rockets went head to head against the New York Knicks, and just a year after NBA Legend MichaelJordan announced his retirement from basketball, another star was born.
The 1994 NBA Finals Houston Rockets v.s. New York Knicks

                On Jan. 7, 1994 Jeff and Wanda  Stephens welcomed their little bundle of joy, who would grow to become a "true" champion in their household. The youngest of four, Edward Stephens is a family man whose drive and motivation stems from his deep Southern roots in Fayetteville, N.C. 
A young star is born
Basketball has always been a family tradition in the Stephen’s household. Jeff, Ed’s father,at one point in life was able to try-out for the Detroit Pistons.  As his lover of the game, he instilled the drive, passion, and skills of life and basketball into his son.

Ed was raised in a middle-class environment where his mother worked for an insurance company and his father a chemical plant."The ball is in your court son," a quote often said by his mother is what Ed continues to live by. The first in his family to attend college, Ed “The Truth” as some call him, has managed to keep control of the ball in his court. Throughout life he has gained skills on and off of the court that has awarded him the opportunity to choose between many colleges and universities. 

Standing six-feet-one while as a senior in high school, the ambitious 18-year-old had opportunities knocking at his front door. 

After declining offers from ClemsonCoastal Carolina, and Fayetteville State University, the star took his free throw shot and became a part of the Bulldog family at the illustrious South Carolina State University.

It was the South Carolina State Bulldogs family environment that made him chose to call SC State home, "everyone here treats me like family," says the guard, "they really came out talked to my family, my mom and sister, I felt like they really wanted me here to be apart of their family."

After visiting the campus during its Homecoming week, Ed knew that SC State was truly where he wanted to be. "I came here during Homecoming week, loved the environment and had a blast with what felt like my new family."

After the passing of his father at the tender age of thirteen Ed continues to carry everything his father ever taught him close to heart as he is in his third year studying Broadcasting in the Bulldog County.

The scholar has aspirations of becoming a professional basketball player overseas or a sports analysis which came about after his sister put the bug in his ear reminding him "you have a great face for television, and you're really good with numbers." 

Ed also aspires to follow in the footsteps of Steven A. Smith as he is factual with being able to debate about sports "I think I'm very good with debating people about different sports teams and I always make valid points with the facts that I have. I feel like I can win with any topic involving sports" he says chuckling. 
Ed and teammates at WSSB Radio Station at SC State University 
A freshman on the court, Ed has gained may accolades while remaining the humble southern charmer that he is. Student Athlete of the Year, MEAC Rookie of the Year, and Freshman of the Year, are just a few reasons why some say Stephens is the real MVP.
Ed stands with his many awards and trophies on campus at SC State University 
Currently, with outstanding academics, prestigious awards, and contracts already drafted for him once he graduates, the Carolina boy remains humble and focused on his dreams and passion. When asked what song currently describes his life, Stephens replied "Blow Up" by Fayetteville's very own J. Cole. 
Ed autographs basketballs for Orangeburg Youth

"When I first came to campus I had to sit out and no one really knew anything about me, then I began to play that song before every game. Eventually, after seeing my skills on the court everyone began to know who I was, on campus, the conferences, different teams, people would write me on social media and congratulate me on my accomplishments, therefore that song really describes me because I feel like I blew up!" 
SCSU Guard: Edward Stephens

Edward Stephens is a name to remember and SC State is where he has started his blueprint for success. 
To watch his highlights please visit his YouTube channel or follow him on Instagram.
Ed lives up to his nickname "The Truth" as he is passionate on the court, continues to remain humble, and has not changed after his "blow up" of successes. 
With the ball remaining in his court, Ed continues to guard his passion, while he blocks out negativity, dribbles through life obstacles one step at a time, and takes his one and only shot at the life God gave him. 

#S23E03 The Planted Seed Episode (Snippet)

Those who are making up rumors about you, lying on you, distracting themselves and others from the truth are stagnant in their own ways, embarrassed that they have not progressed in life. They envy the progression of those who have not planted their feet in sorrow. 

Smile knowing that you've planted your seed in success. All you have to do is continue to water your plant with your accomplishments and provide sunlight (positivity). After you do this continue to repeat this cycle. If you look for others to water your plant it is likely that they may drown you in your doubts or fears or even poison you with their jealousy. Do not let their shade keep your plant from growing, you're bound to blossom into greatness

Start at the root, dig deep inside you, love yourself and you will grow

Schoolin Life

Mini Story y'all ready? So last week was pretty busy, I tried to balance school and work while supporting events with family and f...