Monday, October 16, 2017

#S24E01 The #MeToo Episode

Me too, because apparently if you are a freshman in college and you walk alone or eat alone you are the target for a Graduate student to stop you in the middle of the plaza to have a convo. A complete stranger. You have great convo and he seems to be nice.
 Me too because apparently a guy that you just met who seems to be a great guy offers to give you a ride to your dorm room is just being nice, and you say no thank you I can walk but he insists that you not walk alone and take the ride.
Me too because the ride to your dorm room quickly changed to a ride to his dorm room because he needed to grab his "books" for class.
Me too because its apparently okay when you're a freshman and you've never seen the upperclassman housing and a Grad student wants you to see his room while he grabs his books.
Me too because the Grad student who was studying "HIV and memory loss" took away the fantasy  of what my first time would be like.....away from me.
Me too because I said no, ouch, stop as I laid on my stomach.
Me too because the condom had blood on it when he was done and he was upset.
Me too because all I knew was his first name until I went to the health center to make sure I was okay and saw that he was the student who signed his name before mine.
Me too because I blamed myself for walking by myself. Me too because I blamed myself for going to see what the upperclassman dorm looked liked. Me too because I blamed myself because who would believe that this was the first time I met this person and I ended up in his bedroom. Me too because a year later I met another girl with a similar story about the same guy. Me too because I found out three years later he was arrested for hurting another girl. Me too because I blamed myself for not speaking up when it initially happened. Me too for saying "I clearly wanted it if I went in that room"
Me too because I initially lied to myself and everyone by saying that I had sex knowing that that is not what happened.
Me too because I began to deal with it by making a joke out of it because no one cared or believed me once I did speak up and told me "I don't see how a girl can get raped"
Me too because I spoke nonchalantly about my experience because no one seemed to care.
Me too because I felt like a joke, ugly, stupid, lonely.
Me too because when I told my best male friend what happened to me..... three years later my "best friend" attempted me do the same thing to me.
Me too because I no longer blame myself.
Me too because I've forgiven everyone.
Me too because I am strong.
Me too because I am now wiser.
Me too because dozens will read this and say wow that's crazy, never knew.
Me too because dozens will read this and not say a word.
Me too because one will read this and prepare themselves before it can happen.
Me too.

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