Thursday, May 4, 2017

S24E01: The Center Stage Episode

At one stage in life I cared only about my critics. The people who were there to judge me, make me feel uneasy, help but hurt, those people I thank I needed them. However at this stage in my life I've learned that those who only critique have been so wrapped up in negativity and pettiness that I clearly lost my focus. I stayed away from my stage, I didn't look in the mirror, I didn't practice my God given talent, simply because I didn't want to prove my critics right.
 My thank you speech sounded more like "shout out to my haters" until I realized I was hating myself more than anyone else. 
Instead of finding people or things to love, I finally began to love myself, I started to see myself as someone important someone who had a group of people wanting to see her (me) flourish. 
I had been so focused on my critics I failed to remember the importance of the people who bought a ticket to support my talents, my dreams, or to simply be entertained. My supporters including myself I neglected worrying about the few people whose opinions did not matter. My supporters have been able to provide constructive criticism all while cheering me on. 
I now stand on this new stage to give to you what God has put in me. As I am currently in my dress rehearsal of life know that the show is only beginning and it must go on. I've gone through so much as far back as 1993 rebuilding the foundation of this new stage and re-positioning my stage light from the judges simply to shinning on me. I have taken center stage, my stage presence is pure and I have so much in store for my supporters before I drop the mic let me and take a bow, close my eyes and thank God for guiding me here. 

And the winner is...................being Andrea Butler 

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