Wednesday, July 27, 2016

#S23E04 The C.H.A.N.G.E Episode

What I've noticed in my time here on earth is that we all have this love hate relationship with change. We love the idea of change and we push others to do is as well yet we are often stagnant and fail to proceed with our own personal growth process in accepting change.

When we are hurt we often become motivated to get change. We tell ourselves, family, and friends that we want things to be different and we aspire change yet we do nothing to actually allow it to really manifest in our lives.

Change first starts from within however,

We often repost things on social media, like quotes, and give advice to others about how to accept change in their lives and we hope that by convincing others of change that we will to accept it for ourselves. That is never the case. Change comes from within, once you open your mind, allow acceptance, forgiveness, perseverance, with a plan change will come. 

For some posting a status about change is growth for them. NEWS FLASH posting a status and telling others that you've changed does not mean you've changed ! You do not need to inform anyone that you've changed because it's something that is witnessed, seen, or experienced. 

Stop trying to convince yourself of something that you put no energy into actually doing. Love yourself FIRST ! No one cares about your lies they care about your truth and truth is you have a lot of evolving to do. Do us all a favor and stop fooling yourself and trying to drag us down your blind path of happiness. 

Your'e only posting because you feel like social media provides some kind of accountability for growth. Sorry to inform you it actually hinders growth. You are looking for something tangible to change something that is intangible, which is your thought process. If you want to be a better father, quit smoking, better friend, employee, student or whatever you're striving to do better in, don't promise someone else something or post something because you feel like they will hold you accountable. 

Hold yourself accountable for your action or lack thereof. Hold yourself accountable for the love you are so eager to find. Change is a PROCESS not an event! With that being said stop trying to meet your peers at a lie with your fake statuses and false hope. Love comes from within! Challenge yourself to move away from what makes you comfortable, people who don't challenge you, people who care about only how happy you are in a moment rather than a life time. Make a plan that will involve growth and love yourself . The rest of us will respect your evolution without you having to say a word  and love you even more!

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