Wednesday, September 30, 2015

#S22E07 The Ball Is In Your Court Episode

At a time when Chris Webber was the top draft pick for the Orlando Magic, when the Houston Rockets went head to head against the New York Knicks, and just a year after NBA Legend MichaelJordan announced his retirement from basketball, another star was born.
The 1994 NBA Finals Houston Rockets v.s. New York Knicks

                On Jan. 7, 1994 Jeff and Wanda  Stephens welcomed their little bundle of joy, a son named Edward Stephens. The youngest of four this Southern boy, from Fayetteville,N.C, is a family man whose drive and motivation stems from his deep Southern roots.
A young star is born
Basketball has always been a family tradition in the Stephen’s household. Jeff, Ed’s father, and very skilled athlete, was able to try-out for the Detroit Pistons.  As his biggest fan, he instilled the drive, passion, and skills of life and basketball into his son.

Ed was raised in a middle-class environment where his mother worked for an insurance company and his father a chemical plant."The ball is in your court son," a quote often said by his mother is what Ed  continues to lives by. The first in his family to attend college, Ed “The Truth” as some call him, has managed to keep control of the ball being in his court as his skills on and off the court allowed him the opportunity to choose between many colleges and universities. 

The determined, intelligent, and ambitious six foot one, medium built, high school senior had opportunities knocking at his front door. After declining offers from Clemson, Coastal Carolina, and Fayetteville State University, the star took his free throw shot and became a part of the family at the illustrious South Carolina State University.

It was the South Carolina State Bulldogs family environment that made him chose to call SC State home, "everyone here treats me like family," says the guard, "they really came out talked to my family, my mom and sister, I felt like they really wanted me here to be apart of their family." After visiting the campus during its Homecoming week, Ed knew that SC State was truly where he wanted to be. "I came here during Homecoming week, loved the environment and had a blast with what felt like my new family."

After the passing of his father at the tender age of thirteen Ed continues to carry everything his father ever taught him close to heart as he is in his third year studying Broadcasting in the Bulldog County.The scholar has aspirations of becoming a professional basketball player overseas or a sports analysis which came about after his sister put the bug in his ear reminding him "you have a great face for television, and you're really good with numbers." 
Ed also aspires to follow in the footsteps of Steven A. Smith as he is factual with being able to debate about sports "I think I'm very good with debating people about different sports teams and I always make valid points with the facts that I have. I feel like I can win with any topic involving sports" says the athlete as he chuckles about his passion.  

Ed and teammates at WSSB Radio Station at SC State University 
A freshman on the court, Ed has gained may accolades while remaining the humble, responsible, southern charmer that he is. Student Athlete of the Year, MEAC Rookie of the Year, and Freshman of the Year, Stephens is the real MVP.
Ed stand with his many awards and trophies on campus at SC State University 
Currently with outstanding academics, prestegious awards, and contracts already drafted for him once he graduates, the Carolina boy remains humble and focused on his dreams and passion. When asked what song currently describes his life, Stephens replied "Blow Up" by Fayetteville's very own J. Cole. 
Ed autographs basketballs for Orangeburg Youth

"When I first came to campus I had to sit out and no one really knew anything about me, then I began to play that song before every game. Eventually after seeing my skills on the court everyone began to know who I was, on campus, the conferences, different teams, people would write me on social media and congratulate me on my accomplishments, therefore that song really describes me because I feel like I blew up!" 
SCSU Guard: Edward Stephens

Edward Stephens is a name to remember and SC State is where he has started his blueprint for success. To watch his highlights please visit his YouTube channel or follow him on Instagram. If you Google him, you will see articles and stats all over from SCSU Athletics page to ESPN. Ed lives up his nickname "The Truth" as he is passionate on the court, continues to remain humble, and has not changed after his "blow up" of successes. With the ball remaining in his court, Ed continues to guard his passion, while he blocks out negativity, dribbles through life obstacles one step at a time, while he takes his one and only shot at the life God gave him. 

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