Monday, February 19, 2018

#S24E02 The 57 Seconds Episode

Often times we met people in our lives who help us to see the world a bit differently. That was the case with Janet Parker. I started off as a work relationship where she would ask if I needed help and would assist me with any questions I may have had. From journalism to the broadcast business to hair she was there and always willing to help! I first met Janet when I was a very shy intern and I barely said a word to her. Just a hey and bye and kept it pushing. Yet once I got hired full time to work for WACH FOX she was there with open arms ready to give me all the tools I needed to succeed.

Along with the advice about the business, Janet has helped me with my transition into adulthood. Giving me the real "tea" on real life issues and the things that women and black women have to face as a whole, Janet is that sister, girlfriend, mother, auntie that we all need.

I came up with the idea 57seconds with WACH as a social media tool to bridge a relationship between our talent and the community. Janet's departure came as a shock to many as she started as an intern, like me and worked her way up as the evening anchor in less than a decade.

The hair tips, girlfriend tips, self-love tips are only a text message away but her presence will truly be missed. If you are not from the Midlands but would like to learn a little bit about Janet, this video will do just that ENJOY!

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