Thursday, April 21, 2016

#S22E22 The Double Standard Episode

Currently in my Advanced Television Production class were were assigned to produce a small show. My group and I created our show called "The Double Standard" where my co-host, Raven, and I talked about Double Standards between men and women. 

This assignment was very fun as we were able to switch roles. Usually I am the one behind the scenes however as you can tell I finally decided to be on the big screen. Being in front of the camera is entertaining but also requires a lot of hard work as you have to watch what you say, follow a script, listen to the AD, know which camera to talk to while also being aware of your surroundings. For other class assignments I was able to sit in the control room and switch roles as the camera woman, AD, director, and producer. This job requires extensive training as its important to know how to work the program you are using to record. For me it was TriCaster. TriCaster was very fun however if you do not understand how it functions then it is up to you to study and learn so that your production can run as smoothly as possible. 

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