Wednesday, November 4, 2015

#S22E08 The Prezi-ntation Episode

Throughout my educational career whenever there was time for me to present information to someone or some organization my first option was to use PowerPoint. Overtime PowerPoint has gradually advanced and has allowed for text, audio, graphics and video with added animations to adequately present information.

However over the past few years that I have been in college I was introduced to a new way of presenting information through Prezi. Prezi is an alternate more advanced online version of PowerPoint. With Prezi you are still able to add text, audio, graphics, and videos all with a very interactive theme that allows for customization's and animations. 

My first time using Prezi was three years ago in my Advanced College Grammar and Composition Course at South Carolina State University. Initially I was very annoyed with just about all of what Prezi had to offer. I loved the themes however the constant zooming, not knowing how to insert graphics, not being able to completely customize things as I would have been able to made me want to run back to my traditional PowerPoint. However, I am a person who enjoys a challenge therefore for another class assignment for a different class I decided to be unique and create a Prezi presentation rather than the traditional PowerPoint or poster boards that my peers were doing. Gradually I began to learn more and understand Prezi a bit better and now I can say that I am a pretty advnanced user and would highly recommend Prezi to anyone who needs a visual for a presentation. 

In my Electronic Media Production Course I enjoyed working on my Prezi which I titled; "For The Record: Ten Artist You Thought Were Black". Based on my love for soulful music I enjoy listening to a plethora of diverse artist. I was shocked when watching music videos or picking up magazines when the person that I saw looked nothing like how I imagined when I heard their voices. 

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