Monday, February 15, 2016

#S22E16 The Out On The Streets Episode

In my Advanced Television Production course we were given an assignment to go around campus and ask students a question. I decided to ask students "If you could only listen to one album by your favorite artist for the rest of your life what would that album be and why." Even though I did not put all of the responses in the video majority of the students agreed that J. Cole was their favorite artist and they had a difficult time narrowing down their life to just one album by the artist. 

Post production for the project was fairly simple. Locating the video clips, adding the titles, and transitions were all pretty self explanatory however the actual filming of the video took some time and needs lots of work. 

Filming in the day time and having to know and understand how to adjust the camera's focus, lighting, and white balance is not as simple as it seems. With the sun constantly going in and out as a videographer you really have to know and understand how to operate a camera. 

I enjoyed this project and hope to redo it again with more knowledge of how to operate the camera. 

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