Tuesday, January 26, 2016

#S22E15 The Interview Episode

1. Interviews provide essential details to help bring life ad spontaneity to the story. The interview should include facts and reveal the person being interviewed while supporting the structure for the larger story.
3. The person being interviewed is usually at ease when they are in a familiar setting rather than with a blank wall and microphone stuck in his face. Instead give the person a wireless mic and let them feel comfortable. If the reporter makes conversation based on what they observe about the person's interest and environment which helps to give a more personal interview.
4. The most important question you can ask during an interview is "show me what you do." This makes the interviewee feel more at ease because they have an actual safe answer.
6. It is important not to reveal the intended questions before the interview because the person being interviewed will not give a truthful response, there is no spontaneity and the best responses address the feelings in that moment.
8. Research and planning is important that way even the unprepared interviewee will be prepared be you are asking questions based off of their interest and experiences. This also allows for the reporter to be able to focus more on listening rather than trying to come up with another question.
11. A dumb interview question is a closed ended question. Questions that responses are simply yes, no, or I don't know are less desirable because there is no story or meaning to the dialogue. When asking questions the reporter should always center the questions around a who, where, why, when, what, and how mindset to get details, emotions, and imagery to add to the story

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

#S22E14 The New Year New Me Episode

It is 2016 and this new year means 366 more days to remain the same, change, or grow and its all up to me. I'll start off this new year by saying for myself I am trying to re-brand myself. I have committed to constantly updating my Linkedin accounts, getting assistance with my resume, reading more, sleeping less, and being more optimistic. 

One of the first things I've done so far for this new year new me, is get a logo made for my video productions called Grounded Media. Because I grew up in a very strict household and was usually on some type of punishment to where I couldn't watch television, talk on the phone, or use the internet (later Wifi) connection I came up with the name Grounded Media. 

I reached out to students at HBCUs who were art and digital media majors to create my logo, and it just to happen that my match made in heaven was in the same Pitt as me, a new black owned company by the name of Hayze Designs where two female students who just so happen to be Bulldogs who attend the illustrious South Carolina State University just as I am. I gave them my concept and ideas and they were able to give me various logos to chose one and I fell in love with this one. 
Official Grounded Media Logo

As I've stated before this year is all about branding myself, networking, and socializing. I have also designed and printed by own personal business cards for myself so that potential employers can view what is like a "mini resume" and follow me on my social sites and view some of my work as well. Once I create a bigger brand for Grounded Media, I will create business cards for that as well. 
Personal Business Cards for potential employers

This year has just begun and I hope to make the best out of it by being myself and showcasing what I have to offer to the world in the most positive light. 
Official Grounded Media Watermark

Schoolin Life

Mini Story y'all ready? So last week was pretty busy, I tried to balance school and work while supporting events with family and f...